Do you have a situation in life that you desperately need to see victory?   Do you feel you’re fumbling around in the darkness longing to know all will be well?  Do you feel impoverished emotionally, physically, spiritually or financially?  That the enemy has the upper hand in your life that things are swarming around you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, dear friends, I pray that through the power of His Spirit, He will place in your hand a TRUMPET, a PITCHER and a TORCH.

For Gideon and the Israelites (Judges 6 – 8) their hour was dark and desperate, and it was a time when the enemy was ruling over them.  Their country was continually invaded for seven long years: their land was literally stripped bare of crops and animals.  They were overwhelmed by an enemy too great for them to defeat.  Granted, the Israelites had problems with sin and their stubborn, stiff-necked ways.  They were only reaping what they had sown, continuously living in a state of distress because they did not want to adhere, submit or surrender to their only true God – they did it their way and the results was bearing very bad fruit.

Gideon was hiding in a dark winepress, feeling fear and always looking over his shoulder, threshing wheat in secret to protect it and himself from the Midiantes.  How has the enemy kept you in the dark winepress of your life through sinful self-protections?  Do you feel you have places in your life that you are a coward or compromising truth by hiding?

The love of our Father God came to Gideon even in his state of cowardice.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of (fearless) courage.”  And Gideon said to him, “O sir, if the Lord is with us, why is all this befallen us?  And where are all His wondrous works?” The Lord turned to him, and said, “Go in this your might, and you shall save Israel from the hand of Midian.  Have I not sent you?”  Gideon said to Him, “Oh, Lord, how can I deliver Israel?  I am poor and I am the least in my father’s house.”
– Judges 6:12-15 (emphasis added)

This actually reminds me of Moses when God appeared to him on Mount Sinai and said to him, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go.”  Moses refused 4 times because feelings of fear, unbelief, and  insignificance, as well asThis actually reminds me of Moses when God appeared to him on Mount Sinai and said to him, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go.”  Moses refused 4 times because feelings of fear, unbelief, and insignificance, as well as feeling “dumb.” He said, “O Lord, I am not eloquent or a man of words.  For I am slow of speech, and have a heavy and awkward tongue.” Ex. 4:10

How many of us refuse God, His encounters as well as His love and power to defeat the enemies of our lives, because we feel insignificant, unimportant or full of shame?

May we take up our trumpet, pitcher and torch to defeat the enemy in those areas where he has stolen from us and improvised us.  RISE UP YOU MIGHTY VALIANT WARRIOR – and know that “I will surely be with YOU, and YOU shall smite the enemy down as one man.”

That is good news – because God is calling you to enlist into His army and it only takes one – YOU, to respond to His call.

The Israelites were saved from their oppression when they cried out to the one true God for help. God gave very specific instructions to fight this overwhelming enemy and it came down to just 300 men, all just carrying a trumpet, pitcher and torch – that’s all it took – oh – and one more thing of importance – OBEDIENCE.

A trumpet is used to herald important news – to warn of impending danger. Sound your trumpet and let it be heard all through the enemy’s camp that you are coming to take back your land, to take back  what the enemy has stolen.  This is the trumpet of decision to deal with our problems.

The pitcher was to create a great distraction, to be smashed and  pulverized into many pieces – all were to do it at the same time creating great waves of thunder to accomplish confusion in the camp. What do you need to smash into pieces?  What habitual structure do you have that needs to be pulverized? feeling “dumb.” He said, “O Lord, I am not eloquent or a man of words.  For I am slow of speech, and have a heavy and awkward tongue.” Ex. 4:10

The torch represented His Light – to be personified into the darkness of sin and evil. With the torch of light in our hands we are no longer hidden in the dark places of our shame, pain, and sin. Father God will help us as we hold the torch to overcome our weakness. For in Him there is NO darkness.

And then as in Judges 7:12, what the men did was, “they each STOOD in their place.” God is saying to each of us, “Do not back away, do not sit down but stand, remain, and maintain in YOUR position to face your enemy, your giant.” Be pro-active in His army and YOU can see your deliverance at hand.

Gideon and his men stood blowing their trumpets, dropping their pitchers, waving their torches and shouting, “The sword for the Lord!”

My prayer for each one of us is that we can rise up like Gideon and encounter our Lord, that we will be filled with courage, having ears to hear the Lord, even if it is seemingly ridiculous, to have a fearless heart to advance into those areas of our lives that keep us in poverty. Grab hold of your trumpet, pitcher and torch and let’s go.

– Mari Anne Andersen


Write Mari Anne Andersen with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have: