About FHM

Our Story

It all started in 1964, when Rose Marie Borrelli became a born-again Christian at a Billy Graham crusade in Chicago. From that moment, she rapidly grew in her Bible knowledge and spiritual maturity. Many recognized her mother’s heart, and people would come to her home for Bible studies, wise counsel, and Godly wisdom that was graciously applied to their personal lives. In 1980, she heard about John and Paula Sandford’s ministry, read their books and began going through their training at Elijah House, which was in Idaho at that time.

As a Spirit-filled woman, through word of mouth, her reputation grew and she began counseling many and leading many to the Lord. At that time she was still working a full-time job, until God spoke and called her into serving Him exclusively full-time in the ministry of prayer counseling out of her home.

Mark & Maureen Sandford

On May 31, 1998, Mark and Maureen Sandford came from Elijah House Ministry in Idaho to help dedicate Freedom House Ministry’s first facility. On June 1, 2018, we celebrated our twentieth anniversary.

Over these 20 years and thousands of prayer counseling sessions, we have seen many lives transformed, restored and reconciled through Jesus Christ. These sessions are made up of young and old, men and women, couples, families and children, from all ethnic backgrounds, dealing with problems relating to infidelity, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, post-abortion trauma, destiny malaise, marriage issues, communication issues, and betrayal and spiritual darkness. This ministry has transpired through the faithful service of our directors, prayer counselors, volunteer staff, and our many Intercessors.

The founder, Rose Marie Borrelli, hosted Video Schools of Prayer Counseling from before Freedom House was founded, and Freedom House has continued to facilitate these schools ever since it was founded. Freedom House has graduated hundreds of students. A few each year chose to attend our Internship Training and join our part-time counseling staff. Most graduates take their new-found understanding back to their own churches and ministries. 

Since its founding, Freedom House has had a Board of Directors which has supported and helped this ministry through all its years. Also, some years ago, Rose Marie passed the baton of leadership to her daughter, Mari Anne Andersen, and her son-in-law, Tommy Andersen. 

Freedom House continues to grow and develop, from audio cassettes, VHS video tapes, DVDs to online training, from doing Prayer Counseling Sessions in our offices to now doing most sessions online by Skype or FaceTime. Even with all these technological advantages, Freedom House still relies completely on the grace of God, the power of the gospel of Christ, and the personal presence of the Holy Spirit, as we stand on the infallible Word of God. So as our story continues, it does so with the fresh and alive personal relationships we have with God and each other.

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3 (ESV)

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