"Shall We Dance"


Shall we Dance reminds me of a very significant and life-changing time for me 41 years ago (wow)! 1976 was a time when Rocky became a hit, when Robert De Niro famously said, “ You talkin to me?,” and Jimmy Carter was on the cover of Time magazine as Man of the Year. Apple Computer was formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and the first computer was sold for $666.66 (interesting). VHS was released and the ink-jet printer was invented. My have we come a long way!

That year on New Year’s Eve 1976, I was watching the classic Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Shall We Dance, (one of their many movies that night). I remember how in sync they were as a team dancing. Every step, every beat, and every movement was something of beauty and harmony. Their partnership and trust was very obvious and evident along with their enjoyment of dancing right into our hearts (or at least mine).   As they danced they mirrored each other’s steps, they knew when to lead and when to follow, and they knew the beat and rhythm, making it look effortless and painless, as well as allowing the other person to look good. Ginger Rogers once said, “We weren’t born Siamese twins, but sometimes you’d think we were.”

For Astaire and Rogers dancing wasn’t just about the right steps or music; it was the perfect combination of moving with your heart, hearing the melodies in your spirit and releasing yourself to risk the steps in motion and, of course, intentionally positioning yourself to learn, grow, and develop. Their dance routines where truly a work of art in motion; they swept across the dance floor with such elegance, grace, and beauty. It was once said by Martha Graham, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”


So getting back to 1976, New Year Eve’s the turning point in my life, at 17 years old I wanted something different in my life, something more and something substantially real. I was at a crossroads in my life, desperately needing more meaning and truth. As 12 o’clock midnight approached, I remember getting two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne. At the stroke of midnight I raised my glass to the Lord, and invited Him to be my date that night and the rest of my life. That New Year’s Eve night I felt the Heavenly Father offering His Hand to me and asking – “Shall We Dance?” From that night forward, I have been in the Father’s arms learning the music of His love, learning and leaning in His ways of surrender and trust, and hearing the rhythm and tempo of His Truth.

Throughout these years there have been many trials and errors, many clumsy steps, mishaps and even at times, feeling awkward and out of step. The Holy Spirit wanted to lead me one way and I wanted to go the other way. Metaphorically speaking there have been sore muscles, many stubbed toes and many tears, feelings of wanting to give-up because the pain seemed unbearable, and feelings of awkwardness in my own skin. I didn’t know my ability and capability yet in the Lord; I didn’t recognize my true self—who the Lord made me to be with my identity and individuality. I wanted to find my own unique and distinctive style and personality according to God’s original design. I so desired to cultivate a renewed mind awakened by His truth according to how He sees me.

The Dance of Life

As I continued to grow and heal, I felt it was becoming easier to surrender and trust my Dancing Partner—My Heavenly Father. Consequently, through the Holy Spirit’s guidance His ways of truth and love were giving me new movements to dance in life, a reservoir of hope, which ignited my little mustard seed of faith to truly grasp the reality of the indwelling Christ. It was thrilling and exhilarating as I danced with the Heavenly Father because I didn’t focus on missed steps, mistakes, or off beats; however, I started to feel the rhythm of His music of His heart towards me.

God told them, "I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love! And so now I'll start over with you and build you up again, dear virgin Israel. You'll resume your singing, grabbing tambourines and joining the dance. …” (Jeremiah 31:3b-4 The Message)

As the Dance of Life continued, I felt the Holy Spirit’s compassion, His non-judgmental corrections, and His ability to be sincerely patient and encouraging. I was beginning to learn my own unique style and was learning who I was with and in the Holy Spirit as my Instructor, Teacher, and Tutor. The Dance of Life was starting to become more enjoyable, more familiar to me and the gift of Christ gave me greater dimensions of grace and defined my individual value. The Dance of Life was always moving but the transitioning became smoother and easier to accept new steps, new rhythms which lead into new expressions of creativity. I also began learning the art of being flexible (I’m still learning this) and bendable so when the Teacher gives me instructions or directions and tells me to rethink or redo something, I can restfully yield to the fact He has my best interest at heart. I dared to risk new adventures of the Dance because I am safe in the arms of His love.

Will You Take This Dance?

My question to you, do you want to dance a new Dance with your Heavenly Father? Do you desire to be held in His arms of love, His arms of strength and safety?  Do you long for enjoyment in this Dance of Life? Please know my dear friend, He’s inviting you to Dance with Him, He is presenting Himself to you and He is saying, “Shall We Dance the Dance of Life together?” Don’t hold back; don’t be afraid to step out with your Heavenly Father, for you will be pleasantly surprised with how comfortable you will fit in His arms. He longs to romance you with His love, His joy, His strength, and His leading. He is wanting to introduce to you a brand new way of living life and it’s through the Dance of His Spirit, because His love kindles faith and faith opens the horizon to explore love’s mystery; it’s the work of the Holy Spirit to guide, to lead us to the top, and then move aside to let us see the tremendous beauty of who we are in Him. His Divine intimacy is what we are all longing for—The romance of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I leave you with this scripture which sums it up beautifully:

From the Shadows to the Substance

My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given.

You received Jesus Christ, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught.

School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

- Colossians 2:6-7, MSG

A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the very moment when you called me to follow You. You called me by Your grace into a whole new sphere of living. Help me Lord to realize this new sphere isn’t a new place to live BUT a new WAY to live. Help me Lord, to join You in this Dance of Life, trusting, surrendering and celebrating life with You.  Father, let me praise Your name in dance. Father, strike up the band of Heaven and let us make great music and harmony together on this side of eternity.

In Jesus Name. Amen!


- Mari Anne Andersen


Write Mari Anne Andersen with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have: marianne@freedomhouseministry.net

The Empire Strikes Back: May the True Force be with You in 2017

May the Force be with you...

...as we enter into a new galaxy in 2017. The Force of goodness that pursues and runs after truth, wisdom and honesty. The Force of goodness that promotes peace, justice, and godliness. The Force of goodness which releases insight, virtue, and common sense in which glory will accompany us on the road of righteousness and right standing. The Force who created all things. The Force that surrounds us and binds all the galaxies together.

As I was praying and seeking God’s word for 2017, I immediately heard the Lord say, “The Empire Strikes Back.” Now I need to explain that I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies! I’m almost 60 years old and have never been intrigued or interested in watching any of these movies. However, being that the Lord spoke this word to me (much to my opposition to sci-fi) I realized that I needed to watch The Empire Strikes Back. Many of you know, Star Wars is about the epic battle of good versus evil using lightsabers and laserblasters, as well as training in the way of the Jedi, with Luke Skywalker. In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke goes in search of the best of the best, Master Yoda, for his training

Luke encounters the Master Yoda and Luke is trying to use the Force to raise his Starfighter, (Luke’s ship) which he does at first, but then fails. Luke states, “I can’t believe it.” Yoda replies, “That is why you fail.” “I can’t. It’s too big. Hear Yoda’s response: “Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm. Hmph! And well you should not for my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, binds us. You must feel the Force around you – here, between you and me, the tree, the rock, everywhere! Yes! Even between land and the ship. As Luke walks away, he says, “You want the impossible” – “I don’t …I don’t believe.”

Very interesting because what Yoda is saying is how important belief is for action. When Luke didn’t believe he could raise his ship, he indeed could not. When Yoda did believe, he could! Luke doubted, and as a result failed. This comes right down to “faith vs. doubt” and how it affects our ability to do incredible things for God.

Let’s see what Jesus has to say in Matthew 17:19-20:

“Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not drive it out?" And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” (NASB)

If it is God’s will – then nothing will be impossible for you (Luke 1:37).

New in 2017

With that being said, this is what I sense the Father is saying as we all enter a “New Galaxy—a New Sphere, in 2017—no longer just routine as usual.” No, indeed it’s a year of embarking into new ways of thinking, new ways of investing time, money, and energy. It’s a new year of moving into new places that will cause you to depend heavily and mightily on the true Force—The Master Creator, Father God, and Comforter, His Holy Spirit—in leading you into new galaxies and new frontiers. There will be no “random” connections, only “divine” realities, no “intruding” invaders but friendly interveners.

Moreover, this year is going to be a year that will release a new enlightenment in your walk with the Lord. Revelations will be released in quantum and dramatic ways, great challenges with great encounters in order for us to enter into new “galaxies” which will shift your territories. Father is saying this is the year, the time to learn, grow, and seek out intentionally and purposefully in being trained by the best of the best—the Master—The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is encouraging YOU to accept your destiny, to discover your ultimate fate, which will center on the importance of choosing allegiances and loyalties in the only one true God. Seek out His wisdom, His Spirit for it’s His wisdom and Spirit that is calling out to you.

This is Wisdom calling out and asking YOU to listen carefully:

“Now then, my children, listen to me;
blessed are those who keep my ways.
33 Listen to my instruction and be wise;
do not disregard it.
34 Blessed are those who listen to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway.
35 For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the Lord. (Proverbs 8:32-35 NIV)

Where is your allegiance?

We need to ask ourselves: Where does my allegiance and loyalty lie? Does my allegiance lie in my own understandings? Does it lie with the Republicans or Democrats? Does my allegiance lie with my bank account or my job? Does it lie in some false worldly Force? If it does lie with any of those, then for sure you will have doubt just like Luke Skywalker did.

Being it’s a New Year, and in some ways a new country with new political leaders, we are all at a new crossing in our life. We all stand at the brink of a fresh life, ready to start new beginnings in 2017, not just following the same old routines. Or are we standing at the ruins of life, knowing we have to start over? For some we are ready to build or perhaps to rebuild. But where do we start with a new beginning, with building, or rebuilding?   Someone has to be there to assist us in putting it all together in 2017, in the right order, in the right way, at the right time, in the right direction or else a year from now we will end up back at the same spot!

Just as Yoda was there to assist and guide Luke, there is one that is waiting, ready, and willing to assist you in this new galaxy in 2017 - THE HOLY SPIRIT! He is THE ONLY One who can empower, enable, enlighten, endow, enforce, enlarge, enhance, emancipate, and enrich YOU and YOUR life with divine wisdom and biblical blueprints in living in this New Year and in your mission in the New Galaxy in 2017. We all have new missions and adventures to explore and to step into. There will be major choices and decisions that you will need to take action on. You will not have the luxury of waiting and pondering; you will need to know what the Spirit is saying then and there. God has commissioned you and you have a mission with which to interact. Our allegiance and loyalty must lie with Him.

However, tensions will come as they did with Luke, who felt he was strong enough to defeat the enemy when he met him. If there is hatred, bitterness, resentments, envy, or pride lurking and lingering in your heart, you will move into areas alone as Luke did. Luke’s own battle grows within himself as he flirts with the “dark side” and escaping responsibility in the name of good. Thus, Luke became the very enemy he sought to destroy. Luke is no longer just a hero seeking to thwart evil; he is in danger of becoming evil himself.

The Spirit of Wisdom

Father is saying: Stop flirting with your pet sins, stop rehearsing your pain, stop enjoying your pity parties, and stop endangering yourself and those around you. Open your eyes so you can step into the Light. Drop your laserblasters—your self-protections—and pick up the sword of truth, the Word of God, and see what Wisdom says from the Spirit of the Living God. Read, listen, and study His blueprints and as you do that, your life will result in a beautifully built life, and not just a scrap heap of so many warped days and weathered years.

Father God’s Spirit of Wisdom is saying:

“I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity;
Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street.
The Fear-of-God means hating Evil,
whose ways I hate with a passion—
pride and arrogance and crooked talk.
Good counsel and common sense are my characteristics;
I am both Insight and the Virtue to live it out.
With my help, leaders rule,
and lawmakers legislate fairly;
With my help, governors govern,
along with all in legitimate authority.
I love those who love me;
those who look for me find me.
Wealth and Glory accompany me—
also substantial Honor and a Good Name.
My benefits are worth more than a big salary, even a very big salary;
the returns on me exceed any imaginable bonus.
You can find me on Righteous Road—that’s where I walk—
at the intersection of Justice Avenue,
Handing out life to those who love me,
filling their arms with life—armloads of life!” (Proverbs 8:12-21 MSG)

Father God’s Spirit of Wisdom is a Master Worker shaping something beautiful in your life out of raw materials day by day. Day after day the Spirit of the Living God is joyfully applauding and affirming you to place your faith and trust in His Company and to delight and celebrate in His truths and ways. This is the year that the Holy Spirit wants you to strategically and purposefully abandon yourself into His ways, into His heart and life, so you will know and see that life is not an awful problem filled with doubt and uncertainty but a playful adventure to be lived with Him—the Master Worker and Creator.

Please pray with me:

Father God, Master Creator, and Giver of truth, I thank You that you didn’t leave me alone to sort out things in my life without instructions or without someone to come alongside to help me put everything together. Sweet Holy Spirit, I embrace more of You in my every waking and sleeping moments and thank You for all the ways You help me turn the blueprints for my life into a beautiful well-built building, sturdy and strong and sure.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, that I am a work in progress and that You are overseeing all the ins and outs of my life from every minor detail to every major one in every stage and step. You, Holy Spirit, are my firm foundation, and I can rest in You because You have my very best in Your hands for 2017. Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are the TRUE and ONE and ONLY Force that is with me leading me and guiding me into all good things in this New Year.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

- Mari Anne Andersen


Write Mari Anne Andersen with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have: marianne@freedomhouseministry.net