Dear Friends,

With the worldwide spread of this “invisible enemy”—Coronavirus Outbreak—I wanted to send you a “love letter” from the Father’s Heart and my heart to remind YOU of His promises especially during this time of unprecedented circumstances.

Yes, it’s true we are in the crossfire of a true worldwide disease and global pandemic. Yes, it’s serious as well as dangerous, creating life-altering situations, relationally, financially, and physically as well as medically. All of these factors have vast nationwide ramifications economically. Yes, we are living in a present time where our regular and normal routines of life have come to a dramatic halt personally, corporately, and globally all of which have serious implications on every level—FOR NOW!!!

So, with that in mind, I thought this love letter would remind us of the Father’s Heart and promises. He as waiting for us on the other side of the pandemic.

Do you remember just a couple of months ago, I sent you a newsletter sharing what God is wanting to do in this New Year, New Decade, and New Era? Do you remember some of the prophetic insights for this New Year along with scriptures? Please get the newsletter out to re-read those promises to refresh and to remind you what is coming. I called it the “Amos 9:13-14 Paradigm.”

Seasons of Blessings from Amos 9:13-14a . . .
“Yes, indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel… (MSG)

Nothing of His promises has changed in the Father’s mind, heart, or Spirit for us. NOTHING.


“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good and fulfill it?
Numbers 23:19 (AMP)

So, in the natural world this word is opposite to what is really happening in present time, not just opposite but extreme bi-polar of opposite. I would have to agree with you—IF I was looking in the natural realm to this “invisible enemy,” and—IF I didn’t know my Promise Maker and my Promise Keeper.

We know that the enemy’s tactics or weapons are to bring us delays, doubts, and worries along with major distractions of what He has spoken and promised. We know the enemy wants nothing more than to lead God’s children into panic, fear, and great disappointment. We know the enemy is a thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy as well as manufacturing places in our hearts to doubt God’s integrity and reliability. (John 10:10)

Please hear and know my heart in saying this enormous affliction and devastation all of us are experiencing and witnessing on some level, I am not taking lightly or casually. Believe me! BUT I cannot afford to cave in to FEAR in how the enemy is trying to quickly change the landscape of our world. I truly believe this “invisible enemy” is not really the coronavirus but it is FEAR and DOUBT—GREAT DOUBT.

Let me explain a little in what I’m sensing from Heaven’s perspective in the present time. Many of you know I have taught on “dark speech” which is less direct ways in which God speaks to us. Dark speech occurs when we think God is saying one thing to us, only to find out later that He was speaking about something different. In scripture the parables talk about one subject, but its real meaning lies elsewhere. Think of the catch of fish, the lost sheep, the hidden talents etc.

We are seeing pockets all over our communities that are “hot spots” of the pandemic of the COVID-19 springing up and causing great affliction and suffering in every area of life. This virus is spreading like wild-fire and the wind carries it through the air in creating these invisible germs which settle on us, and we can breathe in the particles that generate this coronavirus.

Due to its great physical harm especially in the elderly, we, however, are all quarantined with our life as we have known it, being ordered to “self-isolate” or to withdraw, disconnect from life, from people and community. It’s amazing that the very essence of our being and existence is to have life, to choose life, and to choose fellowship, relationships, and community in living out our daily lives as human beings.

Again, the enemy imitates what God desires to activate in deeper and greater levels. When God is designing for us to be blessed by the elderly, the enemy comes to rip them out of our lives.

“Wisdom belongs to the aged and understanding to the old.”
Job 12:12

“Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, The LORD is just!”
Psalm 92:12-14

“Rise in the presence of the aged and honor the elderly face-to-face. Fear your God. I am the LORD.”
Leviticus 19:32

I believe we are on the tipping point of something astronomical and titanic in scope of God’s Hand being released. However, we are seeing and experiencing quite the opposite. The enemy is using this in a destructive and divisive manner—FOR NOW!!!

See, right before a colossal breakthrough, the enemy tries to imitate what God will initiate and activate. We are on the verge of a colossal breakthrough personally, corporately and globally to see a massive revival, reformation, and resurgence of God’s salvation, redemption, and liberation like never seen before.

It seems for now we are losing the war, the battle and the promises – so it seems! In one sense, it’s the job description of the enemy to discourage us between the ‘glory to glory,’ promise to promise or the suddenly to suddenly. Yes, in actuality, for now, the ground we have covered seems to be lost, the battles that we overcame seem to be wiped out and the leverage we had seems to have slipped away—FOR NOW!!!

Our greatest battle comes right before our greatest breakthrough – let me say this again, our greatest battle comes right before our greatest breakthrough—IF we do not give in, give up, or dig in with fear, doubt, and discouragement.

Please, please, stay and remain the course of hope—great hope filled with great expectations from a great God who knows and sees and desires to release ALL His great promises spoken and given to us.

I see the enemy is overplaying his hand big time and what is happening in the natural now is so obviously the enemy trying to run roughshod over the promises for our new year, new decade and new era—rough shod over our promotions, our compensations, and our reparations.

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”
Hebrews 10:35

The promises are great victories that will manifest in our lives, in our churches, our neighborhoods, and in our government and leaders. Our promises are the greater glory and greater works will be in full display in our lives, families as well as in our nation. It will be a tsunami of His ways and principles, a returning back to the original design and intention for us and for America. Furthermore, the wrongs are made right with restitution, restoration and recompense. God’s sovereignty will spread far and wide and high and low. Watch and see His victory in all of this.


Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!
Romans 11:33

Right now, we are in a place that seems very foreign which can create fear of the unknown in not knowing how long all this is going to last and when all is said and done, what will be left? Many questions with very little answers —FOR NOW!!!

What can we do now as we are in “lock-down mode?” What can we learn from this time and what does He want us to do in this “self-isolation practically, emotionally and spiritually?” When will this be over? All very good questions and let first answer it this way:

Let me say this, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
Acts 3:6

What I have right now is faith to walk out this time with you in knowing God is with us, God has not forsaken us, God has not turned the other way, and God has not taken His hand away from us and our nation. What I have are His promises which are never null and void, which are always for us and not against us, and for us taking hold and standing on the promises of our breakthrough.

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:14

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Isaiah 40:29

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
Isaiah 40:31

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsaken you.
Deuteronomy 31:8

For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

The enemy really knows how close we are to the border of our new promised land, inheriting the massive revival of salvation, the glorious and wondrous deeds of His loving Hand, and the Sovereignty of His healings. Oh, the enemy knows so well how close we are in seeking our breakthroughs and he is trying desperately to invade, explode, and implode with his fear and doubt. Don’t take the bait!

It may look bleak and grim for now but stand steadfast in His Presence of peace because we are going to see the “Amos 9:13-14 Paradigm” happen as promised in the New Year, new decade, and new era.

When all is said and done with this Corvid-19, we will see an increase of intensity of growth in our lives and in our culture, economically, spiritually and relationally; it will be at the speed of God’s Sovereign sound and light coming in full array accelerating time, accelerating growth, and accelerating promises which will overtake us.

In conclusion, let us do what we need to do practically, by being wise and responsible and taking heed of all the recommendations from the CDC and other officials and praying for divine strategies and wisdom for our leaders.
Reach out to family, friends and neighbors (via social media), send fun cards, loving cards in the good old-fashion way—snail mail with a real stamp. Play board games with family members, watch some good series on Netflix—Downtown Abbey, Master Theatre—and watch some funny, clean comedians laughing. This is a “pause” button so enjoy, rest and be blessed because God has incredible and unbelievable advancements coming. Rest Up!

In closing, I would like to say thank you for being part of Freedom House, our personal lives, and in the lives of so many that we reach around the globe, especially during this “sheltered-in-place.” Please pray humbly before the Father to see if this is the month to cast your net on the other side—the other side being Freedom House (John 21:6)—so we could have a windfall during this time when we are not able to meet with clients face-to-face, and Tommy is not able to drive Uber. I believe part of this scripture in John is to hear from the Father and to obey Him in what He is asking you to do. In that we can be assured a multitude of blessings that reach far and wide. Thank you for prayerfully considering our needs and financial support.

Just go online at and click on Make a Donation to use PayPal or your credit card or send a check to Freedom House Ministries to the address on the first page.

With My Love, Prayers & Deep Thanksgiving,

Mari Anne