My Dear Friends,

In the Gregorian calendar, which most of the world follows, it’s 2020, so I want to wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year! Looking at the Hebrew calendar, it’s 5780! This literally means “mouth” or “PEY.” It’s used in word, expression, vocalization, speech, voice, and breath. It’s time to declare, and decree in using your mouth to speak out all that our God will do this year. A time to declare the possible from the impossible: “Widen your mouth and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10). What has appeared to be defeat and death in our lives will have a 180 degree turn around, to an increase of His glory and miracles and blessings of wonder and awe.

This New Near we are entering into something so exhilarating and electrifying. Many of the seasoned Prophetic Voices around the globe have been sharing their insights, revelations, and prophetic visions. I encourage you to visit Sid Roth and hear and listen to the giants in the Body of Christ share what is waiting for us in this New Year, New Decade, and New Era. I pray with all my heart and soul that through this newsletter you will catch the wave of the Father’s excitement of what we will be entering into in 2020 and beyond.

This is a time to really know and understand the season we will be entering into in 2020 as sons, daughters, and believers and what is in store for the church, the world, and our personal lives in this New Year and decade. Let’s align ourselves with the awesomeness of God’s ways and purposes in this season because it truly will be a remarkable resetting in our lives. We will be experiencing a 180 degree turn around in our lives, no longer “business as usual” but seeing the revelations revealed and revelations fulfilled in our lives.

For so many of us in the last few years, we have been swallowed up (or so it seems) by the enemy’s ploys and schemes through much hardship and pain, as well as defeat. However, NO LONGER is that the case in this New Year and decade because God will be ushering in great changes, great blessings, and great shifts of His glorious glory. God’s love will be unleashed and released into so many of our dreams and visions that seemed lost, forgotten, or abandoned. The wait is over – NOW we will see things being revived, restored, and reset. It’s a New Year, New Decade, and New Era!

Some of the Prophetic Voices that we are hearing are:
Patricia King, James Goll, Hank Kuneman, Cindy Jacobs, Joan Hunter, Jeremiah Johnson, and Judy Jacobs, to name a few. All have the same message, the same theme, and the same revelations revealed. Truly it is awe inspiring and I pray that it feeds our faith for us to run into 2020 with great expectations and hope. For this is His time to act in greatness, abundance and vastness over us like never before.

Some little nuggets or words from these Prophetic Voices:
As I recommended, please visit Sid Roth for greater depth and insight to their prophecies in order to align yourselves with this vast, wide-open window from Heaven in this season.

How exciting it is to hear and know what will be happening for you, for us and for the nation! God has a redemptive plan in all areas of our lives and NOW is the time to see many wonderful promises unveiled in front of our eyes.

Summary of Prophetic Words:

  •  Great victory will manifest in our lives, in our churches and in our government. No longer hold-ups, no longer cancellations, and no longer delays. The wait is over. There will be a boom in the upper room of manifestations of His glory and greater works will be on full display for all to see. Much favor will be upon us, our government, and our nation. This is the season of the supernatural miracles and a year of wondrous prosperity not lacking but increasing with clarity of vision and hope in God’s ways and purposes.
  • 2020 and beyond will be a year of establishment for the Body of Christ. We will not be wandering, roaming, or straying but we will be established in one place because of a great spiritual awakening of supernatural healings and supernatural miracles. Our children and grandchildren will be coming home to walk out their purposes from God’s original plan. Many of the prodigals are running home into God’s heart and into their family’s arms.
  • Amazing prophetic revelations will be fulfilled. Lost dreams are recovered and uncovered. The brokenhearted are being restored and healed, while places of dignity and honor are retrieved. Further, the wrongs are made right with restitution, restoration, and recompense.
  • How exciting it is to hear and know what will be happening for you, for us and for the nation! God has a redemptive plan in all areas of our lives and NOW is the time to see many wonderful promises unveiled in front of our eyes.

On a personal note, the Scriptures God gave has given me for Freedom House, for us personally, and for YOU in this New Year are:

Season of Blessings: Amos 9:13-14a

“Yes, indeed, it won’t be long now.” GOD’S DECREE. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.
I’ll make everything right for my people Israel… (MSG)


Breath of Life Season – Ezekiel 37:5-6

GOD, the Master, told the dry bones, “Watch this: I’m bringing the breath of life to YOU and YOU’LL come to life. I’ll attach sinews to YOU, put meat on your bones, cover you with skin, and breathe life into you. You’ll come alive and you’ll realize that I am GOD!” (“you” capitalized for emphasis)

Dear Father,

Thank you that YOU are saying to us NOW is the time to see things quickly, suddenly and expediently line up with YOU for a great harvest of miracles, blessings, and the supernatural. Things are going to happen so fast, Father, with one blessing after another, and it will be hard to keep up with all the goodness given and provided from YOU. Thank you, Lord, for how YOU will release YOUR breath into the very places that need resurrection life and power.

In Jesus’ Name. . . Amen and amen!


So dear friends, stay tuned to hear what the Father has downloaded to us for this next year for Freedom House. It’s a time for RESET, REVIVE, REDEEM, and RELEASE and newer and greater ways. This is the time for Freedom House to expand, enlarge and explode into this New Year, decade and era!

Without you—your prayers, your financial gifts, your encouragement to me and my staff—there would be no Freedom House! Thank you for your monetary gift at this New Year, thank you for your prayers that undergird all that we do, and thank you for your words, emails and cards of encouragement.

You can give online ( and then choosing the tab “Make a Donation.” Also, you can mail a check made out to Freedom House, c/o The Andersens, 3217 Scoville Ave, Berwyn, IL 60402-3546.
Thank you so much for investing in what God is doing in 2020—5780—through Freedom House!


Sending My Love and Blessings,

Mari Anne Andersen
Director of Freedom House Ministry