Rose Marie Borrelli’s Book-Release Celebration

By Mari Anne Andersen

In honor of my mother, Rose Marie Borrelli, Freedom House Ministry is releasing her book postmortem.  I know if my mom were here, she would be doing cartwheels, if not physically able to do so for sure in her heart, because her dream, desire, and vision has come to pass:  HER BOOK – Take Care of Your Heart


Rose Marie Borrelli is the Gift of Love that keeps on giving.

“We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you, celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.  No wonder righteousness adores you.”
(Songs of Solomon 1:4 – The Passion)

What better way to honor my mom than to unveil her book to you on her day of going home to be with her Savior, August 19, 2019.  It’s been 4 years now, and I can hardly believe that it’s been that long since she is not with us.  Yet when I look around in my heart, in my family, and Freedom House Ministry, I see my mother’s fingerprints everywhere.   And let me say, it’s pure joy!  This book is in the loving memory of one of my heroes on this side of eternity.  And she was—and still is!

Few people leave a lasting impression in your heart, but she was definitely one of them to so many.  Her celestial wisdom, her undeniable quick wit, and her depth of counseling knowledge and compassion were easily exhibited in her library of reference materials which were always at her fingertips and available to whomever sat across from her.  She knew where everything was in her office because everything was categorized and organized.  When she would counsel, she could easily and effectively grab material on the topic and subject at hand.  Her office was a gold-mine, a wealth of information, including DVD’s, CD’s, stacks of notebooks on every topic, documents, and prayers of every kind and for every life situation and feeling.  And yes, even videos.

I know for sure if she were here and holding her book in her hands, she would be crying with great joy.  This book was birthed in her heart and from all the needy and hurting counselees that came through her office and sat across from her over many years.

The messages were something so strong within her about sharing with children the principles of Bitter Root Judgments, the Law of Sowing and Reaping, and Inner Vows, so that they would not be carrying so much baggage into their adult years.  Therefore, they would not need to seek out a counselor over marooned and wrecked marriages, relationships, and families, and lost years due to misconstrued identity.

This book carries my mother’s voice through the pages, because as many of you know, there were certain phrases and sayings she would use in counseling, teaching, and in prayer.  So, as you read through the pages, I’m sure you will be hearing my mother’s voice saying: “Over to you, Lord,” “I fling this to the cross,”  “If you don’t express and confess your anger, you will get a heart of stone,” and  “Take the arrows of hurtful words and aim them at the cross” to remind you of a few of her poignant maxims.

My mother, Rose Marie, always wanted to leave a lasting legacy and that she did—with people, with her family, and with Freedom House Ministry counselees and students, and now through her newly published book Take Care of Your Heart.


Why You Should Buy THIS BOOK
By Tommy Andersen
It is with great joy we celebrate the accomplishment of publishing our first children’s book at Freedom House. What a journey it has been to get it to this release date!

Buy THIS BOOK because it will help you engage in conversations with your children and grandchildren regarding their feelings and give them helpful, practical, and biblical hints in how to handle their emotions.

THIS BOOK’s foundation is that God created us with feelings, and He cares for all of us, including our feelings. God aims to comfort and reassure us, showing us how we can manage our emotions honestly and with wisdom. He wants to show us how to recognize them, name them, develop skills to handle them and how to respond to the people involved. THIS BOOK is designed to provide a strong support for all of this, and more.

THIS BOOK starts very simply with this statement “People can be mean sometimes…” followed with an illustrated page of a sad and lonely boy who has experienced a mean person, with the text: “It can make you feel sad.”

The third page follows up with another question “Do you feel sad and angry when someone makes fun of you?” Then the fourth page beautifully illustrates the sad boy with Jesus right next to him, empathizing with his sadness and loneliness. The text reads: “When you are sad, so is Jesus. He feels with you.”

THIS BOOK and the first 4 pages can be seen by visiting the books website:

THIS BOOK is made to teach children but can touch adults as well. When you are sad, so is Jesus, because He feels with you. Understanding how we feel matters to God. Yes, it matters to God how we live and how we choose to act in the world based on what has happened to us and the negative feelings that have resulted. Unfortunately, children don’t always know how to understand their feelings and behave in response to difficult situations and those subsequent feelings.  So, this is a book that is encouraging us to help children process their feelings and emotions so they can by learning how to appropriately engage with Jesus. Consequently, they will not end up sowing so many bitter seeds which produce bitter roots and then bitter fruits in their adult years that reap such a bitter harvest.

THIS BOOK will help you, your children, and grandchildren come to a place, where they can learn to work difficult situations and feelings out, making peace with themselves and others, learning to forgive with God’s help.

THIS BOOK, with words and illustrations, captures many truths and principles as it relates to handling our emotions, especially children’s emotions. So please take a look, check it out, discover its secrets, discover its power.

We would love to hear what you, your children, and your grandchildren think of Take Care of Your Heart.

God Bless You!

GET YOUR COPY TODAY of THIS BOOK by using the link below: