You, Me and Jonah More in Common than You Think

You, Me and Jonah
More in Common than You Think

By Mari Anne Andersen

April 8, 2024


Dear Family & Friends,

This article on Jonah and Nineveh was actually written back on November 21, 2023, but I did not send it out to you.  No, question God was speaking to me back then, but I did not release it until now.  This article was sitting in the “Press-Room” of God until the right time.

Throughout the lessons in my walk with the Lord of 49 years, I have come to rely on some of my favorite scriptures because I see the beauty in them, I see the wisdom in them, and I have lived in the reality of them.  Thus, I have experienced depth and truth in each of my favorite passages:

  1. He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in His time.  Ecc. 3:11 (Amp.)
  2. And we know that to them that love God ALL things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28  (American Standard)
  3. Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. Luke 16:10 (NIV)

So, with that being said, let’s dive into the book of Jonah who has great insights of God’s amazing grace and His abounding love especially towards the prodigals, towards the Christian who has a hard time speaking up for truth, and for those who are sitting on the fence where America is concerned with compromise, wickedness, and wokeness.

I pray that this little bitty book would open your eyes and heart even more to an all-consuming, all-compassionate God who is gracious, slow to anger and abounding in amazing love. We will also see in this book of Jonah how the Spirit of God “Loves His Enemies.” Furthermore, we will see God’s great merciful heart towards Jonah himself even when he get’s angry with God, has a pity party, and sulks because God’s enemies turned from their wicked ways and repented.

I also pray that you will see the significance and importance of what is happening on April 8th with the Solar Eclipse and with America, along with what God is calling us to do – which is R E P E N T.  (More about the eclipse at the end).

Sit back, get a cup of coffee or a cup of tea, and sip in each word of this article because I believe God has released something in me to give to YOU in your season of your life and in the season of our times.

Know this my friend, YOUR prodigal, like Jonah himself, cannot outrun God for He is everywhere in your prodigal’s life and is always pursuing him/her to come home.  Just think, a city that was so hell-bent in sin, idolatry, evil, and perversity, yet God destined the people to not perish but be saved and redeemed.  The entire city turned to God and God saved them all!  America needs to see this happen NOW!

America is in a place in which all hell has been released, America is in a place of an “Anti-Christ” spirit, and America and the White House are going against God’s Holy Word bluntly celebrating dreadful acts of stupidity, foolishness, and insanity while serving up evil nationwide.
I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be opened to see how many of us have a “Jonah-like” attitude in our nature.  The places of selfishness, the places of anger and even the places of “NO’s” with God in what He is calling for us to do in our walk with Him as mature sons and daughters.

Therefore l, that call is to stand up for truth when lies are being preached, when the “softness” of the Gospel is being shared (meaning don’t offend anyone with God’s truth) in His Word.  God is calling on each of us to get out of our “Comfort-Zones” or out of our “Pet-Sins” of compromise and out of our smelling stench of rebellion.

This is a very strategic and pivotal time in our history, and it’s not a time to run away from Nineveh nor is it a time to hide in the belly of the boat.

The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai:  Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before.”  But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish.
Jonah 1:1-3 (NIV)

Nineveh, as many of you might know, was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and was a large and prominent city in its day.  It was not a city of Israel at all; God called Jonah to go to a very pagan and very evil Gentile city and call them to repentance.  The Ninevites were the most wicked, brutal, and evil people who ever lived on this earth – The Assyrians.

Sadly, to say, America has turned the corner and is beginning to smell like Nineveh – the stench of evil and the hand of corruption and the celebration of immortally along with brutality of murdering the innocent and the youth rising up to go against the law of the land and inciting violence against police.

Our nation has not completely gone to the depth of the Assyrians; however, we have been on the road to major destruction with wokeness, being above the law, and acts of Anti-Christ thinking with idolatry of power, greed, and evil.

Where are YOU being like Jonah trying to escape what God is telling you to share with others about God’s truth?    Where are YOU running away from God’s call and purpose in your life?  Are YOU disobeying God’s directive and running in the complete opposite direction of God’s plan and will?

Jonah determined in his mind and heart that he didn’t want to go to Nineveh and tell them to repent  from their wicked ways, to tell them they are headed for disaster, annihilation, and extinction.  I’m sure he felt it was a treacherous and dangerous task as well as a very uncomfortable message to preach.

Thus, Jonah buys a ticket for Tarshish, and flatly refuses and disobeys God and runs into the most remote part of the world in the opposite direction to Tarshish.  He was running towards isolation and separation, while distancing himself from God. My friends, we are all created with a purpose, a mission, and a destiny.  And IF you don’t believe that or understand that, you will run far away from your God.  And we will take different journeys in our life and in the process we will prolong, delay, and even sabotage His glorious plan for our lives.  God wants us to NEVER lose sight of our purpose and our destiny on this side of eternity.

Have you lost your way and are you running to Tarshish?  That could look like turning the other way of what is happening in our nation today.  That could look like burying your head in the sand, and it could look like escaping into apathy and compromise.  Where is your remote place of escape which takes YOU down to the ship of sleeping and slumbering and closing off from the world like Jonah tried to do?

UNTIL a pretty bad storm begins all around us and it’s getting darker and dimmer day by day.  No matter where you turn you see craziness in allowing illegals to invade our borders, seeing all the crime and its broken laws from judges and officials.  Our nation has degenerated faster than we imagined, resulting in tragedy after tragedy.  Severe unrest in the Middle East, the world on the brink of war, murder rates like never before, laws being past to harm our children through manipulation of the transgender world and hatred for Israel that is rampant and widespread.

Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up.  All the sailors were afraid, and each cried out to his own god.  And they threw the cargo into the seas to lighten the ship.  But Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep.  The captain went to him and said, “How can you sleep?  Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us so that we will not perish.”
Jonah 1:4-6 (NIV)

God is calling YOU to get up—to awaken from sleep—and is calling you to repent so that America will NOT perish.  God is calling YOU to have a holy fear of what is happening all around us.  He is calling YOU to speak out, speak up, and to address sin as sin and not to sugarcoat it any longer.  Whether you are a priest, a pastor, or an everyday Christian, we cannot be silent any longer.  We cannot run from God any longer, and we cannot bury ourselves in silence any longer.

We pray, O Lord, please do not let us parish for this man’s life and do not charge us with innocent blood; for You, O Lord, have done as it pleased You. 
Jonah 1:16 (NKJV)

There’s something my mother used to say when we get to an intersection of our lives or at a crossroads in our life that needed to make a drastic change.  Honestly, I believe it’s not just the believer at a crossroad now, but America is at a crossroad.  Rose Marie Borrelli would say it this way, “What, So What, Now What.”  

Friends, we are at the “NOW WHAT.” There are people of our nation saying the same thing: O Lord, we pray, please do not let us parish

I believe God is giving us a message for today that is clear and precise of warning and of redemption if we take heed.  Jonah had many struggles with what God wanted him to do. However, through his struggles and rebellion, God did grant Jonah a second chance to do what was right in the sight of the Lord.  I think he thought long while sitting in the smelly belly of the whale that God is one of compassion and mercy and will go to any lengths to get our attention to turn from our evil ways to see His ways of love, truth, and freedom by and through repentance.  The Body of Christ and America has strayed far away from God’s ways and have fallen deeply into sinful, indifference, and compromising ways.

And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk.  Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.”  Jonah 3:4 (NKJV)

This is a time in our nation, in our history and in our individual junctures to embrace the warning signs and the messages of a nation NOT being under God. God is extending, calling and inviting us to embrace this time for repentance and for reformation and for turning from our sinful ways.  PLEASE – PLEASE! Let’s return to God’s loving embrace and grace.

God poured out His enduring mercy to the Ninevites and I believe He will pour out His enduring mercy to the Americans IF we turn – IF we repent and IF we stand up and speak out for His truth.   He is calling for YOU and for ME to be a Jonah.  We need God’s transformative power and they only way we can receive it is by repenting for our own ways of apathy and then going out to witness truth to others.

I believe there is much prophetic urgency regarding the April 8, 2024, total Solar Eclipse and how it will complete an X over the US.  I also believe this is America’s wake-up call to give us a second chance and we need to continue to pray for true repentance in our land and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and salvations.  Our land is in desperate need of healing.  America is profusely bleeding out, and the ONLY one who can stop the bleeding is Jesus Christ through the gift of repentance so that we can receive his grace and mercy.
Through and in this Solar Eclipse I believe God is speaking to us and below I have given you links and articles to learn more about how God is speaking to us and how the signs in the heavens are equipping us with spiritual strategies so that we can navigate these times.

The Heavens declare the glory of God 
(Psalm 19)

And God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from night; and let them be signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth. And it was so.
(Genesis 1:14-19)

Excellent Resources to Learn More

  1. Episode 1333: April 8th Solar Eclipse: God’s Hidden Message To America – Lance Wallnau
  2. #daystar #daystartv #daystartelevisionnetwork #TroyBrewer #SolarEclipse #April8 #April8thEclipse #TimesandSeasons #SignsandSeasons #HeavenlySigns #SignsintheSky #Significance #EndTimes #Interpretation #Meaning
  3. Decoding Heaven’s Message: Spiritual Meanings of the 2024 Great American Eclipse – Charisma News (
  4. In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Pastor Troy Brewer shares a powerful message, delving into the spiritual meanings and biblical signs behind the Great American Eclipse.
  • Comparing life to a ship, he urged everyone to shift from a laid-back “cruise ship” attitude to a more alert “battleship” mindset. The key, according to Brewer, is to live as though we’re truly in the End Times, keeping our focus on Jesus and holding onto a deep respect for God.
  • A major highlight of Pastor Brewer’s talk is the upcoming Great American Eclipse which will take place April 8.
  • Referring to Jesus’ words about signs in the sun, moon, and stars in Matthew 24, Brewer pointed out the significance of this celestial event, signaling the start of a crucial seven-year cycle since the last major American eclipse in 2017.

Let’s Prayer

Dear Sweet Father God,
We thank You that You are a great and awesome God, and YOU always fulfill your promises and fulfill your covenant without fail, for You are always intentional and always purposeful in our lives and in our nation. And Creator God, You are always speaking to us through signs, seasons, and the heavens for they do declare Your glory.

Father, you have called us to be truth seekers and truth-tellers, so I ask in Your name, Jesus to help us to walk in Your truth, to share Your truth even if it feels uncomfortable. Stretch us, O Lord, so we can engage with Your Spirit of power and light to release love and truth in these turbulent times.  Give us courage, give us bravery, and give us the inner fortitude to stand in the gap for our bleeding America.  Father, let us get real with what is happening today.  Open the eyes of our understanding—not the world’s understanding but of Your kingdom’s understanding.

Father, may we all be aware of our personal sin and may we be aware of not only what we need to do for our soul but also for the soul of America.  Give us the ”gift of repentance.” Give us the backbone in prayer to stand in the gap for those who rush in to do evil and to do harm to our families, our children, and churches as well as our nation.

Give us a clean heart. Give us pure motives and give us intentionality to seek Your forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name. Father, You promised that if we confess our sins, You will be faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.  Father, let us confess our desperate need for You.  Help us to turn around and help us to head into the direction of Your sovereignty and purity.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


You can donate today:


Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262 

Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE!  Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.  

With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,

With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,


Mari Anne Andersen

Director, Freedom House Ministry

Look What You’ve Done! - Freedom House Ministry Graduation Celebration 2024


Look What You’ve Done!

Freedom House Ministry Graduation Celebration
Elijah House Course 201 & 202 – 2023-2024 Students

Saturday, April 27, 2024 – 11:00am to 4:00pm

Doors Open at 10:30am – Open Seating

Reserved Tables for 5 or more – Tickets open to the public



“I Am Known” – Andrew Whalen

andAndrew Whalen is a prophetic warrior for America. He is uniquely called to raise up spiritual special forces that are equipped to achieve spiritual breakthroughs against regional and national level demonic resistance.  For over 20 years he and his wife Kelly have helped advance the kingdom of God in every mountain of society through prophetic dream intelligence and intercession.     Andrew’s passion is to train prophetic warriors to destroy the works of darkness by releasing the victory of Christ. Andrew and Kelly are the founders of Vanquish Prophetic Warriors, and they reside in Central Illinois with their three children.




Morning – A Time of Celebration

  • Praise and Worship
  • Comedian Andrea Parker – Testimonial
  • Student Testimonies & Staff Recognition
  • Theme Song – Look What You’ve Done – Tasha Layton
  • I Am Known – Teaching by Andrew Whalen
  • Buffet: Pizza, Lemon Chicken Breast, Chicken Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Italian Beef, Italian Sausage & Peppers, Rigatoni Primavera, Italian Salad, Spinach Walnut Salad, French Bread & Butter, GF pasta, Sheet Cake & Sweets Table

Afternoon – Commencement Address & Commissioning

  • Commencement Address – Andrew Whalen
  • Commissioning – Andrew Whalen and Tommy & Mari Anne Andersen – Firetunnel!
  • A freewill offering will be taken – Tommy Andersen


  • Facility Force Corp., 25W560 Geneva Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188
  • 2 miles west of Gary Ave on the north side of Geneva Rd. Parking and entrance in rear

Tickets – Three-Ways to Pay – Due by Monday, April 22

  1. Online: Use Credit or Debit Card – To order online, click on link below and choose credit or debit.
  2. By Mail – Mail in checks payable to Freedom House Ministry – Include names for multiple orders.
    • Freedom House Ministry, %The Andersens, 652 Thunderbird Trl, Carol Stream, IL 60188-9262
  3. In personCheck or Cash (please bring exact amount) on Day 7 and 8 at the Schools.
  • $45 per person & $80 per married couple – Includes Buffet for ages 13 and up. Please use the form below.
  • Free – Children 12 and under can eat from the Buffet. We need children’s names for registration.

Graduation 2024




Weep No More in 2024

Weep No More in 2024
The Lion of Judah Will Roar

By Mari Anne Andersen


Then one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping. Look! The mighty Lion of Judah’s tribe, the root of David – he has conquered! He is the worthy one who can open the scroll and its seven seals.
Rev 5:5 (The Passion)

It’s Time for The Lion of Judah to Roar in 2024! No More Weeping – For the Lion of Judah Comes Loudly, Boldly and Triumphantly to Protect His Family – to Protect His Tribe and to Reclaim His Prodigals.

It’s A Sound of His Warring Shofar trumpeting to stand against the evil injustices and the tyranny of calamity.

Louder and Louder – Mightier and Mightier will the Lion of Judah Roar in 2024!

My people – YOU must Stand Strong – YOU must Stand Firm to Hear His Roar in 2024. 2024 will be His Roar!

Charging into the Jungle of lies. Charging into the weeds of deception and charging into the wildness of His prey. For the Lion of Judah will overtake and dominate with His Mighty Roar of Truth, Justice, and Deliverance.

Stand on the Side of His Light and Love – See, Hear and Listen, for the Roar of Truth will Abide and NOT Subside.

Fear Not! For your Lion of Judah shall Rise Up with Justice and Liberation!
Yes, it’s the sound of Warring Angels – It’s the Angel Armies coming to conquer – He’s roaring and thundering in our midst!

For the Lion of Judah Fights our Battles – He Fights for Truth, Justice, and Deliverance!
For this is a time to rise up, to mount up on His mighty armor of power and truth. This is not a time to run and hide.

For this is the time to take the SIDE of truth!

No one can stop the Lion of Judah – No One – He is Roaring with His power and Roaming in His Might to fight our battles!

For the Lord your God will go forth like a mighty warrior – like a man of war for He has now raised a war cry and the Lion of Judah will prevail against His enemies.

This is a time for each believer to take their place like never before in knowing who YOUR God is as the Lion of Judah and to know him closely and personally as our . . .Elohim – The All Power One – the Creator God!
Hold fast to Jehovah Shammah – Your LORD who is always there! For He will NOT let you go. You will see Him as our El Elyon – The God Most High – for He is Mighty and Strong in battle!

There is no other God like our Jehovah Nissi, who is our banner and protection, and we take cover and refuge in Him alone.

For He rising as our Lord of Hosts and as our Lord of Armies because He is our Jehovah Sabaoth.
He is our Everlasting God – the Eternal God – our El Olam, and He is always with us as our Immanuel – our God with US – a God for us and a God unto us!

Weep NO MORE in 2024 – The Lion of Judah will Roar!

Be Ready!

You can donate today:


Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262 

Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE!  Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.  

With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,

With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,


Mari Anne Andersen

Director, Freedom House Ministry

A Biblical Perspective Unfolding with Current Events!

A Biblical Perspective Unfolding with Current Events!

By Mari Anne Andersen


I am writing to you this day to release upon you His love and His faith, trusting that God is still THE Supreme Being and still Sovereign in ALL His ways.  I am also writing to you giving you some “spiritual muscles” to exercise so you can stand firm in His Place as the days in which we live are truly numbered.  This is Good News, and this is exciting because we are all witnessing Biblical events that are written, documented, and prophesied.

“Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads (in joy), because (suffering ends as) your redemption is drawing near.” 
Luke 21:28 (Amplified)

There is no question in any of our minds that America is going down the wrong path.  We see it, we hear it, and we read it.  America is stumbling in darkness on many fronts. We have lost our moral and spiritual compass; all kinds of immoral and political corruption is running rampant and along with it is great incompetency in our leadership at the White House.

Never in our history of our great nation has there been such absolute corruption in our government, such as an “Anti-Christ” movement, a “Socialist/Communist Agenda,” a “Corporate Stronghold of Madness” with transsexual ideology, and a strong “Anti-Semitic Movement” growing profusely daily.

It’s as though the the current Administration is under the influence of evil and is allowing the destruction and failure of our nation on every front.  There’s intimidation and injustice against Christians and our beliefs, the raging woke and liberal media, far left cities being burned down, far left drug infested homeless encampments all over on city properties, skyrocketing overdoses on fentanyl on a daily basis, police shot and murdered in the streets being targets of hatred and disgust, and brainwashing of our young children in the Public Schools about transsexual ideology and its deceitful philosophy.

Add to all of that, having a President and his son under the influence of a foreign country, allowing wide open borders where 6.2 million migrants have “Illegally” crossed the southern border since the current administatrion took office with at least 1.5 million “Gotaways” evading law enforcement entirely.  More and more gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, and even individuals are on terrorism watchlists.  Border Patrol agents are exhausted, discouraged, and depleted emotionally and physically as they cannot do their due diligence as patrol agents.

It’s pure madness—pure chaos, crisis, and confusion that swirls all around on a daily basis.  This is not the land of the free but the land of captives and prisoners under the regime of the current Adminis-tration which continually moves further and further into lawlessness and insanity.
The New Testament term “lawless” is used to describe those who knowingly, deliberately, and willfully rebel against the laws of God and man.  They refuse to be under God’s rule and God’s government.  This is the current Administration, and the far left that is intentionally and purposefully going against God’s Holiness and Righteousness.  And when government and society ignore God’s law and the law of the land there is more lawlessness, resulting in ensuring chaos.  Of course, this is Satan’s final attempt to halt God’s work through a massive onslaught of evil and quite frankly he is succeeding on a massive scale!

Psalm 94:16 is now a rising chorus!
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? 
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (KJV)

Let me say clearly, I do not believe any politician can save America.  The only remedy is a full-blown revival and reformation taking place for the return to righteousness.

Proverbs 10:10 Winking at sin leads to sorrow; bold reproof leads to peace. (TLB) How many of us are winking at sin that is raging all around us and yes, even in some churches?  How many are turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to God’s truth regarding “alternative lifestyles?”  God created only two  genders —male and female.  There is none inbetween.  It’s clear in His Word!  We cannot reinterpret what gender we are to fit the political narrative of the day or the feelings of the day.  He or she is what God designed and created.  Let’s get back to sound doctrine—the truth—and refuse to listen to or apply false doctrine

However, one of the many signs of the End Times is lawlessness that will abound in cities, states, and regions that will cast off the rule of law, and anarchy will reign.  Basically, it’s now everyday news from the pandemic to lawlessness, to corruption, and to anarchy that prevails .

Also, we see the world-wide great falling away from the faith and the church as Jesus warned the disciples in Matthew 24:10-12 – “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” (NIV)

 Yet, there is good news, too.  People in all nations, people of all tongues, people of all tribes are hearing the gospel and responding in huge numbers in China, Africa, and the Middle East.  So, while the great falling away is happening there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit bringing untold millions into the Kingdom.  Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”  (NLV) We live in a world today where the Gospel—the Good News of Jesus the Messiah—is going around all the world via satellite TV, Internet, email, podcasts, YouTube and other video resources and for this we can celebrate and pray.

Israel & The End Times

Israel is God’s prophetic clock and so much of what is happening in Israel is prophetically unfolding with Biblical events.  Dear family of God, I urge you, encourage you, and strongly advise you to know what the Bible records historically and currently about Israel.  It is so essential that we keep an eye on Israel and know what scripture speaks about concerning Israel and the End Times.

Here are a few links: the best and most concise understandings of Israel, Hamas, and End Times. Pastor Gary Hamrick at Cornerstone Chapel Church and John Hagee are some of my references regarding this topic so please take time to listen to these in their entirety.

A Brief Summary of the End Times Signs

What is most amazing is that each of these prophecies listed here are now being fulfilled before our very eyes.  For more in depth of understanding go to and click on the “End Times” tab.  Scroll down to “A Brief Summary of the End Times Signs” to read more details about each aspect listed here:

  • Israel being gathered from among the nations, and made a nation once again
  • Travel and knowledge will be greatly increased
  • Global real-time communications will become a reality, so that the final two witnesses will be seen simultaneously around the world
  • Lawlessness will be abounding so that cities, states, and regions will cast off the rule of law, and anarchy will reign
  • World-wide falling away from the church, and at the same time an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • A developing one-world political and economic system, to be headed by a world ruler (the anti-Christ)
  • The coming one-world system will require everyone to receive a “mark“ to buy or sell
  • Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple upon the temple mount in Jerusalem (destroyed since 70 A.D.)
  • People scoffing and mocking at the notion of end times, saying “where is the promise of His coming? (2 Peter 3:3-4)
  • The Spirit of Anti-Christ will begin to grow in media, politics, and culture
  • Once the final One World Order begins to take final shape, the Anti-Christ will be revealed 
Why Am I Sharing All This?

Because God calls us to be alert. He calls us to know the signs and the seasons we are in and to keep our eye on Israel because God recorded historical things about Israel and the Bible records prophetical things that are yet to happen in Israel.

“Hamas” in Hebrew means “violence” and Hamas does NOT care about anyone—only their assignment to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.  That is written in their Hamas Covenant.  There has been great animosity and hatred going all the way back to the Book of Genesis between the children of Ishamel and the children of Issac and the jealousy of the promise God gave to the Israelites.

And don’t forget this plan of hatred by Hamas is incited and motivated by Satan himself.  Satan hates God’s Redemptive plan which was centered and located in Israel which is where the Savior was born, died, and rose again, and ascended from and is coming again.  Put simply, Satan is doing everything in his power to bring attention of an evil world with all their hatred against one location BECAUSE it represents the COVENANT REDEMPTIVE PLAN OF GOD. 

The Jewish people are NOT just inhabitants or occupiers of the land. It is so important to know the history, so please view the YouTube videos and read the articles on the “Evidence to Believe” website that I mentioned above.  The Jewish people are indigenous people of the land, and the Bible records the fact that the Jews were living there thousands of years before.  Through time the Jews were dispersed from their land, they were killed around the world, and they were oppressed around the world.  God titled the deed of the land of Israel to the Jewish people way back in the book of Genesis.

Given the current state of affairs in the world, it certainly looks and feels like the Messiah may be returning soon and the Bible instructs us to be vigilant but also states no one knows the hour or the day.  How should we prepare, how to be vigilant and how to respond?  Let’s hear what Peter says,
1 Peter 3:10-12 – For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongues from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.  They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are n the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (NIV)

So, draw near to Him so that YOU can hear the clouds of glory coming and the sounds of Heaven’s Spirit will empower us to stand and be strong, to see great and mighty miracles take place.God will shine His Light brighter and greater into our lives IF we let Him. This is not a message to shrink back from nor to be fearful.This is a message to say, “I know who holds tomorrow in the palm of His Hand because He will NOT forsake the righteous

Pray With Me

“Dear Father, we thank you, for Jesus our Messiah, who reigns and rules.We thank you for Your Word that we can trust and hold fast to the promise that Jesus is coming soon.We ask in the meantime to give us a heart to follow hard after You, that we will remain strong and steadfast in YOU even in this turbulent time so that our faith will grow stronger and stronger.

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and ask that You give the leaders Divine Wisdom and keep the innocent from all harm and destruction.  We pray in Your Name for the Jewish people and the Muslims to come to know You as their Lord and Savior.  And let us lift our heads to the soon coming King of kings and Lord of Lords—Yeshua! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Freedom House Updates

  1. FHM Schools Course 201 & 202 started in September with 20 students and are going well.
  2. Tommy and Mari Anne started a Mentorship Program for students who graduated from Courses 201 & 202 to train them up as Prayer Counselors.
  3. Tommy received a promotion at his job due to his outstanding performance in the Memory Care Unit.
  4. Mari Anne has been invited to several places for teaching and to share on Podcasts.
  5. FHM is flooded with many new clients, so thankfully we are training up more prayer counselors who can labor along side of Tommy and me.
  6. The pastor from Spirit of God Church asked me to be the main referral source for Prayer Counseling.  This is such an honor!
  7. Mari Anne just completed an amazing live event called “From Shame to God’s Hall of Fame” with about 60 women in attendane.
  8. Rose Marie’s book, Take Care of Your Heart, is now on
    1. Click here
    2. Amazon: Click here
Thank You from My Heart of Overflowing Love!

Your prayers and financial support for Freedom House, for me and Tommy personally, for our counselees, for the FHM School students, and for the Mentorship Program trainees are more important than ever given the distressing signs of the times and the turmoil so many people find themselves in.  It’s your generous financial gifts that undergird what God is doing through Freedom House not only in the US but around the world as we counsel folks near and far.
You can donate today:


Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262 

Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE!  Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.  

With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,

With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,


Mari Anne Andersen

Director, Freedom House Ministry

Rose Marie Borrelli’s Book-Release Celebration

Rose Marie Borrelli’s Book-Release Celebration

By Mari Anne Andersen

In honor of my mother, Rose Marie Borrelli, Freedom House Ministry is releasing her book postmortem.  I know if my mom were here, she would be doing cartwheels, if not physically able to do so for sure in her heart, because her dream, desire, and vision has come to pass:  HER BOOK – Take Care of Your Heart


Rose Marie Borrelli is the Gift of Love that keeps on giving.

“We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you, celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.  No wonder righteousness adores you.”
(Songs of Solomon 1:4 – The Passion)

What better way to honor my mom than to unveil her book to you on her day of going home to be with her Savior, August 19, 2019.  It’s been 4 years now, and I can hardly believe that it’s been that long since she is not with us.  Yet when I look around in my heart, in my family, and Freedom House Ministry, I see my mother’s fingerprints everywhere.   And let me say, it’s pure joy!  This book is in the loving memory of one of my heroes on this side of eternity.  And she was—and still is!

Few people leave a lasting impression in your heart, but she was definitely one of them to so many.  Her celestial wisdom, her undeniable quick wit, and her depth of counseling knowledge and compassion were easily exhibited in her library of reference materials which were always at her fingertips and available to whomever sat across from her.  She knew where everything was in her office because everything was categorized and organized.  When she would counsel, she could easily and effectively grab material on the topic and subject at hand.  Her office was a gold-mine, a wealth of information, including DVD’s, CD’s, stacks of notebooks on every topic, documents, and prayers of every kind and for every life situation and feeling.  And yes, even videos.

I know for sure if she were here and holding her book in her hands, she would be crying with great joy.  This book was birthed in her heart and from all the needy and hurting counselees that came through her office and sat across from her over many years.

The messages were something so strong within her about sharing with children the principles of Bitter Root Judgments, the Law of Sowing and Reaping, and Inner Vows, so that they would not be carrying so much baggage into their adult years.  Therefore, they would not need to seek out a counselor over marooned and wrecked marriages, relationships, and families, and lost years due to misconstrued identity.

This book carries my mother’s voice through the pages, because as many of you know, there were certain phrases and sayings she would use in counseling, teaching, and in prayer.  So, as you read through the pages, I’m sure you will be hearing my mother’s voice saying: “Over to you, Lord,” “I fling this to the cross,”  “If you don’t express and confess your anger, you will get a heart of stone,” and  “Take the arrows of hurtful words and aim them at the cross” to remind you of a few of her poignant maxims.

My mother, Rose Marie, always wanted to leave a lasting legacy and that she did—with people, with her family, and with Freedom House Ministry counselees and students, and now through her newly published book Take Care of Your Heart.


Why You Should Buy THIS BOOK
By Tommy Andersen
It is with great joy we celebrate the accomplishment of publishing our first children’s book at Freedom House. What a journey it has been to get it to this release date!

Buy THIS BOOK because it will help you engage in conversations with your children and grandchildren regarding their feelings and give them helpful, practical, and biblical hints in how to handle their emotions.

THIS BOOK’s foundation is that God created us with feelings, and He cares for all of us, including our feelings. God aims to comfort and reassure us, showing us how we can manage our emotions honestly and with wisdom. He wants to show us how to recognize them, name them, develop skills to handle them and how to respond to the people involved. THIS BOOK is designed to provide a strong support for all of this, and more.

THIS BOOK starts very simply with this statement “People can be mean sometimes…” followed with an illustrated page of a sad and lonely boy who has experienced a mean person, with the text: “It can make you feel sad.”

The third page follows up with another question “Do you feel sad and angry when someone makes fun of you?” Then the fourth page beautifully illustrates the sad boy with Jesus right next to him, empathizing with his sadness and loneliness. The text reads: “When you are sad, so is Jesus. He feels with you.”

THIS BOOK and the first 4 pages can be seen by visiting the books website:

THIS BOOK is made to teach children but can touch adults as well. When you are sad, so is Jesus, because He feels with you. Understanding how we feel matters to God. Yes, it matters to God how we live and how we choose to act in the world based on what has happened to us and the negative feelings that have resulted. Unfortunately, children don’t always know how to understand their feelings and behave in response to difficult situations and those subsequent feelings.  So, this is a book that is encouraging us to help children process their feelings and emotions so they can by learning how to appropriately engage with Jesus. Consequently, they will not end up sowing so many bitter seeds which produce bitter roots and then bitter fruits in their adult years that reap such a bitter harvest.

THIS BOOK will help you, your children, and grandchildren come to a place, where they can learn to work difficult situations and feelings out, making peace with themselves and others, learning to forgive with God’s help.

THIS BOOK, with words and illustrations, captures many truths and principles as it relates to handling our emotions, especially children’s emotions. So please take a look, check it out, discover its secrets, discover its power.

We would love to hear what you, your children, and your grandchildren think of Take Care of Your Heart.

God Bless You!

GET YOUR COPY TODAY of THIS BOOK by using the link below:


Taking the Pulse of Our Nation with our Special Prophetic Guests

Taking the Pulse of Our Nation with our Special Prophetic Guests

Joseph & Heather Z – Z Minitries

Thursday, June 29 at 6:30pm (CST)


Come and join us for this special Zoom Event with Joseph & Heather releasing their prophetic voice regarding our nation, our churches, and our government.  Joseph has been taking the pulse of our times and seasons and he will share the latest updates in what God has been revelaing to him in our season.

Time for Live Q & A!

As the Holy Spirit leads, there will be prophecy released.  Come and be enlightened, encouraged, and elevated to the next level of His Holy Spirit.

Registration $25 per person/$33 per married couple

Pay Online with PayPal or Credit Card below.

Any questions or to pay by check, contact Dorie at 224-434-1200 iPhone.

You can register up to 15 minutes before the Zoom Event begins on Thursday, June 29th.

If you are not able to attend the LIVE Zoom Event, we will send you the link to the recording.

Taking the Pulse of Our Nation – Zoom Event

Email Address



Joseph Z has frequently been a guest on Lance Wallnau, Flashpoint, Sid Roth and other platforms that stand for revival, reformation, and what is going to take place from Heaven’s atmosphere to Earth’s atmosphere.

Bio: Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, bible teacher, and International prophetic voice. From before the age of nine, Joseph began having encounters with the voice of God through visions, dreams, and seeing future events. He and his wife, Heather, have dedicated their lives to the preaching of the gospel and building lives by the voice of God; as a result, they have built bible schools, churches, and prophetic conferences in the United States and around the world. Their daily broadcast called Prophecy LIVE is currently reaching a large global audience and emphasizes prophetic journalism.
Joseph and Heather Z at

“Everyday Angels” - Freedom House Hosting Charity Virkler Kayembe – Live!

“Everyday Angels”

Freedom House Hosting Charity Virkler Kayembe – Live!
Come and learn how to hear from Heaven for wisdom, guidance, and comfort.

4 Evening Teaching Sessions on Zoom

Wednesdays – May 3, 10, 17, & 24

7:00pm to 8:00pm (CST in the US)



Not just for church meetings.

What angels are up to in our homes, schools, work, and play.

“He will give His angels charge concerning you to guard you in all  your ways…” Psalm 91:11 NAS




You Might Be Asking

  • What is the purpose of seeing angels?
  • Can everyone see angels?
  • Are we “allowed” to interact with them?
  • Could I be deceived if I did see an angel?
  • Can I learn how to see angels?

Fascinating Topics We’ll Explore

  • Secrets of the seers and why you don’tneed to be one to see your angels.
  • Surprising facts about angels that 365 Bible references
  • What Jesus taught about Holy Spirit baptismand how it empowers us to see the unseen.
  • 5 scriptural safeguards for spirit realm navigation that ensure you won’t be deceived.
  • How to open the eyes of your heartto the supernatural dimension… and MUCH more!

Zoom Event Includes

  • 4 Evening Sessions of Teaching and Q&A Time—LIVE with Charity Virkler Kayembe!
  • Recorded teaching emailed after each session for your review or in case of absence.


Cost:  $49.99 per person OR per married couple

Pay Online: By PayPal or Credit Card below.

Register by Wednesday, May 3.

Zoom link will be sent upon registration.

Late registrations are also accepted, and previous teachings will be sent out to you via email.


“Everyday Angels” Freedom House Event
Email Address

Charity Virkler Kayembe’s Bio

Charity Virkler Kayembe is passionate about the sacred supernatural and making the mystical practical in believers’ everyday lives.Picture1evday

Charity has a Doctorate in Biblical Studies and is a professor at Christian Leadership University.

She has co-authored five books, including  Hearing God Through Your Dreams and Everyday Angels

How to Hear God Thru Your Dreams - FHM 4-Part Zoom Event

“How to Hear God Thru Your Dreams”

Freedom House Hosting Charity Virkler Kayembe – Live!
Come and learn how to hear from Heaven for wisdom, guidance, and comfort.

4 Evening Teaching Sessions on Zoom

Wednesdays – November 2, 9, 16, & 30

7:00pm to 8:00pm (CST in the US)


cvkDo you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re not sure what it is?

Do you wish to receive divine inspiration, creative solutions, and direction from the Lord through your dreams?

Do you only remember bits and pieces of your dreams or worse yet, not remember any of your dreams at all?

“I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night.” Psalm 16:7 NAS


Overview of Charity’s Teaching

  • Practical training on Christian dream interpretation!
  • Learn and be equipped to explore your dreams and how they reveal your present situation, whether to bring healing, confirmation, or direction.
  • Learn how to let the Holy Spirit be your Teacher as you learn God’s messages to your through your dreams.


Fascinating Topics You Explore

  • Why you, the dreamer, are the most qualified interpretation expert of your dreams.
  • How interpretation is not a special gift bestowed on a few; it’s a skill anyone can learn.
  • The key questions to ask that unlock the meaning in all your dreams.
  • How God gives creative solutions, strategies, and inventions in our dreams.
  • The potential blessing of nightmares and recurring dreams—how God speaks through them, and what to do about them.


Zoom Event Includes

  • 4 Evening Sessions of Teaching and Q&A Time—LIVE with Charity Virkler Kayembe!!!
  • Recorded teaching emailed after each session.


Cost:  $49.99 per person

Pay Online: By PayPal or Credit Card below.

Register by Wednesday, November 2.

Zoom link will be sent upon registration.


How to Hear God Thru Your Dreams – FHM Zoom Event

Charity Virkler Kayembe’s Bio

Charity Virkler Kayembe is passionate about the sacred supernatural and making the mystical practical in believers’ everyday lives. Charity has a Doctorate in Biblical Studies and is a professor at Christian Leadership University. She has co-authored five books, including Hearing God Through Your Dreams and Everyday Angels.



“The best teachings I have ever seen on interpreting dreams.

No more ‘pizza dreams.’ Only messages from God!”
Sid Roth, Host of It’s Supernatural!


“Charity picks up where I leave off and my ceiling has become her floor!

I trust you will be impacted, educated, and inspired

 by this next generation revelatory voice!”
Dr. James W. Goll, Author of Dream Language


“For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it.

He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night,

when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.”
Job 33:14-15 NLT

Jesus to the Rescue! - July 2022 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 1.16.22 PMHow many of us in this time and season need to be rescued, liberated, or saved from a very intense and painful situation?  Perhaps we need to be rescued from a sickness, from a broken relationship, an addiction, or from a mountain of debt?  We all have situations and circumstances in each of our lives that we need to see Jesus come to the rescue—Jesus running into our seemingly impossible situation to bring redemption, hope, and a miracle. 

Truth be told, I have seen many miracles in these 48 years of my spiritual life.  Some of these miracles have been small and modest, as well as, some miracles that have been monumental and colossal.

I have seen instantaneous healings from broken toes to cancer, from relationships that looked doomed and beyond reconciliation yet God resurrected that marriage, to the totally lost prodigal that came running home to love, serve, and honor God and family.  From the barren women who couldn’t conceive but now has several children.  From no jobs to jobs that took off into their dream career and fulfilled their destiny.   Cars that were given, houses that were given, to diamonds that were generously given.  Court rulings that vindicated and exonerated.  Vacation trips, even cruises taking me to a house fully furnished to the color, design, and furniture of my liking.  Multiplying money in the bank account or in my wallet when in Bible School.  Finding money along side of the road with words written on several fifty-dollar bills: “It’s Your Money. It’s Your Gift from God.”  One day when we needed change for the toll booth, and I had no money or change, right outside of my window was the exact 50 cents that I needed.  God is interested in ALL areas and details of our lives.  He cares!!!

Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 1.16.30 PMYes, miracles from a mountain of debt to a mountain of freedom from drugs and complete alcoholic freedom overnight.  Angels coming to rescue me from a very dangerous and deadly confrontational former convict.  Oh, the list can go on and on.  I have often stated in my 48 years of walking with the Lord: “WE SHOULD SEE MIRACLES HAPPENING ON A DAILY BASIS . . . BECAUSE WE HAVE A MIRACLE-WORKING GOD WHO COMES TO OUR RESCUE.”

How can we walk and live in a place of miracles in our lives?  Why does God give us miracles and for what purpose?  Let me first state some very important facts:

All things depend on God, and He depends on nothing outside of Himself—for He is a complete explanation and description of all phenomena and occurrences in life—in heaven and in the earth.  The wonder and awe of God is that God’s existence and power do NOT depend on the laws of operation of the physical realm or the world.  God keeps the universe and the heavens and everything conforming and obeying to Himself.  God is alive—all active and all powerful—and He intervenes in the created order with miracles in which He loves to love us with all kinds of wonder working miracles.  

Miracles are the supernatural works of the true, living, and Almighty God.  Miracles represent God’s revealed love, power, and glory in one’s life.  Miracles are for the “benefit” of man.  True, godly miracles are scientifically inexplicable and physically unfathomable and natural forces alone could NOT produce them.

Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 1.16.37 PMMiracles are God’s providence for each one of us.  They are one of God’s high priorities for you and for me.  Nothing delights, excites, and thrills the Lord more than when He releases His wonder working miracle in our lives. Miracles help us to see, understand, and walk in more of the revelation of His love, power, and glory.  Miracles are part of the revelation of who God is in our life, in our particular situation and troubling circumstance.  Miracles  teache us different aspects of His character and of His matchless love for us. He releases freedom and liberates truth, justice, and divine glory of His beauty.  Miracles are God’s way of interacting with us daily—repeatedly and constantly in a very significant, important, and intimate way of bringing His kingdom into our human realm.  

When miracles happen, literally it means, “Jesus Came to the Rescue.” Jesus showed up.  He steps out of heaven into our world and makes a special delivery of love bombs into our life. 

Futhermore, miracles can also come in the form of divine wisdom, glorious peace, or the needed release that literally transforms the situation.  Miracles can also look like PEACE that goes beyond comprehension, in which Jevhovah Shalom steps into that situation so that all worry, fear, and dread are melted away, and we stand in a place of His holy hope and fiery faith.  Miracles give us and mankind hope that with God nothing is impossible.  Man cannot outperform, out-maneuver God because miracles are not about man’s power, knowledge, or science.  It’s about the hope of His redemption, resurrection, and His manifestation of power and glory and for the Good News to be seen and heard.  

Finally, with miracles God is personally and powerfully revealing His Kingdom, that everything is completely under His control. It’s how His Kingdom and the spiritual world communicates to us in our world.  

How to Get Ready for YOUR Miracle!

Then Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves (for His purpose), 

for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders (miracles) among you.” Joshua 3:5 (Amplified)

Quick overview of Joshua 3: The children of Israel had come right to the threshold of their Canaan. They were about to cross over the Jordan River, about to enter their Promised Land, about to possess their inheritance—a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of abundance, a land of great provision and promise, a land of plenty.  In order to get there, they had to cross the River Jordan.  However, in the natural during that time of year the river was in great distress, difficulty, and danger.  It covered a great territory, and it was seemingly impossible for them to get through the River Jordan.  

Remember friends, God does NOT ask us to go where He does not lead.  He knew the timing of the year that the Israelites would be crossing the River Jordan.  He knew how the river was going to be dangerous and impossible in the natural.  He wasn’t surprised or taken aback. He actually was setting them up to receive their miracle at the Jordan River. So, when they entered the Promised Land they would be entering into a ground-breaking miracle right out of the gate and stepping into God’s fiery love bombs. 

There is an old hymn: Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?  Got any mountains, you can’t tunnel through?  God specializes in things tho’t impossible, and He can do what no other power can do.

Got Any Rivers / Carry You by Selah: 

Dear Father God, 

I pray for each one of my friends with my whole heart that they would know YOUR unmistakable love, Your fiery bombs of grandeur, and Your Holy wonder of miracles as they stand at their river Jordan ready to cross over into YOUR “Promised Land.”  Let each one know, feel, and experience in their soul YOUR celebration of love, wonder, and miracles.

 Instill their hearts with faith, hope, and trust. Heal them from the inside out with Your mighty, fiery love bombs, and crown them with Your love and mercy as You supercharge their faith to see the impossible coming into the possible.  Make things right in their hearts, in their lives, and give them wings to fly high in the sky of Your glory of miracles for them to hear the chorus of Heaven singing—God can do what no other power can do, when the water’s too high.   

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Updates, Miracles, & News

  1. Freedom House Schools 2021-22 April, 2022, Graduation, went very well with 63 students, staff, and guests in attendance. Many said it was one of the best FHM graduation celebrations ever.  A few students performed some fun “skits,” which brought great laughter.  Mark and Maureen Sandford gave an anointed and inspiring teaching and commencement address. We all enjoyed our time together, praising and thanking God for all that He had done in each life.  At the end, forming a “Fire-Tunnel,” everyone went through as the staff, Sandfords, and Andersens prayed over each one.
  2. Freedom House Schools 2022-23:  Stay tuned to your email to hear details of the Schools starting in September 2022 and running through April 2023.Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 1.16.44 PM Applications will be due August 22.
  3. Prayer Counseling Ministry has been very special lately, (it usually is) but sometimes when the Holy Spirit shows up instanteously, and we get to participate in the changed life right in front of us, it’s pretty awesome.  We’re counseling more pastors and leaders as their pain and hurts go deep because they need a safe place to be real.  What an honor and priviledge to be that safe harbor for pastors and leaders. Additionaly, I’m now counseling several “teen-agers” who are seeking truth from the inside out.  In these teen-aged sessions, I also get to see reconciliation with their parents.  What a joy!  Finally, it also seems I’m counseling several regarding Co-Dependent issues that God wants to heal.
  4. The Prophetic Ministry is also running strong as many are wanting appointments for a prophetic word.  People from all around the US are desiring more of the prophetic. I give the Holy Spirit the glory and honor as He imparts more insight, wisdom, and clear words for each individual.  
  5. Good News Coming to FHM:  We hear over and over how lives are being touched through Freedom House and how they can feel, see, and experience a transformed life leading to a transformed family.  Miracles are happening in individual’s lives and couple’s lives.  What an honor to be involved in this type of healing!
  6. Zoom Events:  In July, the event on “The Temperments” went great.  It is always so much fun to give this teaching as it is one of my favorite topics.  Another Zoom Event on Co-Dependency is coming up:  What Is It and How to Overcome this “Desease of Niceness.”  Watch for an email. 

Summer times are somewhat challenging in the giving department.  If you feel lead to give, we at Freedom House would be very grateful and thankful for your generosity and kindness.  We serve a great big God, and I believe in great big miracles here at Freedom House.  

You can donate today:


Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262 

Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE!  Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.  

With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,

With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,


Mari Anne Andersen

Director, Freedom House Ministry

Discovering Your Full Potential Thru Your Temperament Who Are YOU Really? - June 9, 2022

Discovering Your Full Potential Thru Your Temperament

Who Are YOU Really?

 “For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  Psalm 139:14

FHM Zoom Event

Thursday, June 9, 2022

6:30pm – 8:30pm CST

Singles – $15.50

Married Couples – $25.50


Have you ever wondered why you act the way you do?  Why you respond to people and situations a certain way?  Do you know your full potential, gifts, and strengths?  What about your character traits?

Improve your relationships with your spouse, fiancée, family members, co-workers, and your neighbors by understanding your own temperament and how it interacts with the other temperaments.

Come and discover your true temperament through this fun and insightful teaching with Mari Anne Andersen, Director of Freedom House Ministry:

  • The Sanguine who is loads of fun, an outspoken extrovert, is the life of the party.
  • The creative Melancholy is analytical and loyal, loves ascetics and is sensitive.
  • The Phlegmatic, who wants peace at all costs, is laid back and easy going.
  • The confident Choleric, a productive leader, is very optimistic and determined.


With the Lord’s help we can overcome the weaknesses of our temperament, enhance our natural strengths, and improve our relationships.

Then we can live out more of a Holy Spirit-transformed personality.

Completing the Temperament Test, which will be emailed,

will enhance your understanding of the teaching.

  • Register & Pay Online by PayPal or Credit Card:
    • Registration is open until Event Begins.
    • Zoom link will be emailed to you upon registration.
    • A Temperament Test will also be sent to you to fill out before the Zoom Event.

    Discovering Your Full Potential – FHM Zoom Event

  • By Mail: Checks payable to “Freedom House Ministry.”
    • The Andersens, Freedom House Ministry, 652 Thunderbird Trl, Carol Stream, IL 60188-9262
    • Include Names and E-mails of registrants, if paying for more than one ticket.
    • The Zoom link and a Temperament Test will be emailed upon receipt of your payment.
  • Questions: Contact Dorie Lorden at or 224-434-1200 iPhone.